
Types of SEO Services

   Types of SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization has always been a risky and tricky process. When talking about how to use SEO, people can be very creative on how to rank better in search engines. Sometimes the boundaries between White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO or Gray Hat SEO can be confusing. If not done well, SEO can sometimes go overboard.

There are mainly three types of SEO services :

1.  White Hat SEO :

The first and traditional method is White Hat SEO. White Hat SEO works slowly but is long-lasting. You don’t have to worry about anything if you are following Googles Guidelines along with Googles Updates and doing White Hat SEO.

White hat SEO utilizes techniques and methods to improve the search engine rankings of a website which don’t run afoul of search engine (mainly Google) guidelines.

Techniques:- Some White Hat SEO techniques include: High-quality Content development, Website HTML optimization, Writing optimized content, speed improvements, site architecture, White Hat Link Building, Link Acquisition Campaigns supported by high-quality content and manual research and outreach.

Pros:- There is very little chance of penalties in White Hat SEO. Search Engines like Google totally support White Hat SEO. If the site has quality Content, then the visitors will definitely visit the website. And hence the UX(User Experience) will define the Page Rank, Page Authority, Domain Authority etc., things that depend on Search Engine Result Page.

Cons:- The White Hat is a very time-consuming process. The SEO master has to work regularly to get desired results. It takes real effort along with patience. The final result that owner wants, can generate in a month, can take a Quarter and sometimes it even takes more than a year also.

Example:-  Let’s say I have to complete a Basic SEO for a website. So I will begin with keyword research, optimizing, finalizing. Then go to next stage by creating unique and helpful Title Tags, Meta Tags. And after that, I will optimize alt tags and anchor tags. After this will begin Offpage SEO by doing Link Building, Social Bookmarking, Social Media, Digital Marketing etc. In all stages we have to focus our website, Our Content and who are the Audience. Hence these all process include in White Hat SEO if done by keeping basics in Mind.

2.  Black Hat SEO :

Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses in the search engine algorithms to obtain high rankings for a website. Such techniques and methods are in direct conflict with search engine guidelines. The google takes very strict action for Black Haters and penalizes the sites very highly. The penalty can be anything based on which kind of Black Technique webmaster used.

The birth of black hat SEO

Link building was an easy way to manipulate the search engine algorithms and many spammers tried to take advantage of this by building link networks which gradually lead to the creation of what is generally known as Black Hat SEO.

Google has become very intelligent in recognizing black hat techniques and with the introduction of Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird (that’s how the Google Algorithm releases are called), they have managed to solve the problem and protect their search engine results from spammers.

Techniques:-  Normally Black actions are against search engines guidelines and are used to manipulate and improve ranking for search engines (SE). Some Black Hat SEO techniques include: link Spam, keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text, hidden links, buying links, faking signals and other manipulation

Pros:-  If a site needs ranking for a very short period of time then Black Hat SEO is used. Black Hat SEO method is quite easy and very little efforts needed. The Final result is very fast in this method. It can take a week, a fortnight or sometimes just an overnight is enough to get the desired result.

From a personal point of view, there is no Positive side of Black Hat SEO work.

Cons:- There is no guarantee that Black Hat SEO will work. The Results that generates by utilizing Black Hat SEO are not long lasting, it get caught very easily and the rest is History. There is very big probability of being caught by search crawlers and the penalties will be very high. In terms of money and discrediting, the company generates enough reasons for shutting down. The sites PA, DA, PR all terms get affected very highly, so there are very fewer chances of building that again. There are many examples of sites that are affected by Google penalties.

Example:-  In Black Hat SEO, the webmaster basically searches for the weakness of search engines and try to trick them. Let’s say in the beginning, Google was giving high priorities to Backlinks, then webmaster tried to trick that and for the moment they succeeded, but Google soon founded that and updated its algorithm and hence the sites that tricked Google once got high penalties and there ranking highly affected. So don’t try to trick any search engine, especially Google because it brings Updates regularly and the penalties are very high.

3.  Gray Hat SEO :

As we know there are several SEO techniques for optimizing WebPages, few are Good and can help you to rank legally but few SEO techniques are bad and may harm your search results. Gray hat SEO is the mix-up or we can say middle stage of white hat SEO and black hat SEO. This technique breaks some rules of google guideline but not meet the black hat SEO.

Process:- Let’s say SEO Master had found some tricks to rank high and increase PR value. But the problem is what, the trick consists some Black works too. Still, the webmaster goes into the action and uses all possible steps to diminishing Blackwork and highlighting other works. But at the end also, there will be some splits of Black Hat Works. And hence the Gray Hat SEO comes out. So there is very little Black Hat Work done, but if Google Finds that then the penalty is 100% for sure.

Techniques Cloaking, Purchase old domains, Duplicate content, tweaking social media, Link Buying, Social Media Automation and purchasing followers. Of course, there are still exceptions but the search engine is doing advances in every new algorithmic release and soon enough none of these tricks will work.

Pros:-  Gray Hat techniques can bring your results in less time as compare to white hat. But if you have to go long with your business then avoid the gray hat. If done in a good manner with 100% effort and keeping little things in mind, then the final result could be Positive. By utilizing Gray Hat SEO at best, the webmaster can beat the Competitors very early.

Cons:- There is very little chance of getting the desired result by using this method. The result will not guarantee for long-lasting. Anytime Google can Find and hit the penalty. In this method, the hard work done by Webmasters and SEO Masters have very little value compared to White Hat SEO.


1. Most of websites owners crosstalk and they exchange the links and drop through a comment, this type of link exchange is part of grey hat SEO techniques.

2. Sometimes SEO marketers buy an old domain name with high DA and PS, they purchase and pass link juice to their main site, Article rewriting with adding good quality content is working fine but article spinning is part of grey hat SEO.

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