
EasyApache 3 to 4 migration – What you need to know!

   EasyApache 3 to 4 migration – What you need to know!

EasyApache 3 to 4 migration – What you need to know!

What is EasyApache? Why should you migrate EasyApache 3 to 4?

EasyApache is a feature in cPanel that helps to easily install and modify Apache modules, PHP modules, Tomcat, and other web server components from the WHM.

EasyApache 3 has been the most commonly used tool in cPanel servers for a long time. But with the release of next version tool EasyApache 4, cPanel is deprecating version 3.

Most of the hosting providers are updating their server EasyApache.

Due to the enhanced features of EasyApache 4 and cPanel stopping EasyApache 3, cPanel server owners should migrate their versions from EasyApache 3 to 4 without delay.

Because this is a major overhaul on how your hosting powers your websites, this may be a site-breaking procedure.

This is the full support instructions to upgrade:—

– Only PHP 5.4+ is supported on EasyApache 4, which means if any of your websites need PHP 5.3 or below, unsupported workarounds like CloudLinux or manual PHP installations would be required.

– EasyApache 4 handles the configuration of PHP settings differently. Any use of full php.ini files, SuPHP_ConfigPath directives in .htaccess, will be disabled upon the upgrade, and PHP settings will need to be set back up going forward with the new cPanel MultiPHP INI Editor.

– EasyApache 4 handles the configuration for which websites use which PHP versions, differently. So old “PHP Configuration” plugin and settings made with it, will be nullified and removed and will need to be set back up going forward with the new cPanel MultiPHP Manager.

– The installed Apache modules and PHP extensions will be reset back to cPanel’s default.

– If any custom modules and extensions that were installed under EasyApache 3 will be removed, so you will need to list them out re-installed under EasyApache 4 as well. This is something you can ask your server support team to help with.

– you need to make sure that your websites are compatible with PHP 5.4 or above version.

– Additionally, you may also clone all your projects and put them on AWS.

Advanced Troubleshooting

Converting from EasyApache 3 to EasyApache 4 may require extensive modifications after the change. Apache and PHP will be completely rebuilt throughout the process. EasyApache 4 will attempt to match your existing profile; however, it can leave out important Apache or PHP modules. It is strongly recommended that you ensure your websites are still working normally after the migration to EasyApache 4.

WordPress Site Error

If you are running a WordPress site, you may receive the following error on any sites using a “.htaccess” file with a custom suPHP_configpath configured:
“Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.”

Self Help for your website

→ You can verify the PHP version being used in your website
→ You can verify the .htaccess files for any custom settings added.
→ You can check the apache modules enabled or disabled which differ from hosting to hosting provider.

Would You Like to Know More?

Transfertool Configurations

How to update easy apache 3 to easy apache 4


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